Ways to Winterize Your Home on a Budget

It’s that time of year again! When it finally starts to get chilly to signal you to prepare your home for the upcoming months. Keep the cold out, the heat in, and your energy bill down with these cost-effective tips for winterizing your home!

Clean out your gutters!

We can't stress this one enough. Making sure water can flow freely through your gutters now will help prevent icicles and ice dams from forming later. 


Clockwise your ceiling

Ceiling fans are everyone's favorite summer budget-saver but they help out in the winter too! Have your ceiling fans move in the clockwise direction so they push hot air along the ceiling towards the floor. If they're going counterclockwise, they won't be as effective. 


Replace filters

Regularly replacing the air filters can significantly improve efficiency and longevity, easing the pressure on your wallet, and allow the house to cool down and heat up more efficiently. 


Interior decor

Hang heavier curtains to help keep the cold out. This will also help with your electric bill because you won’t feel the need to crank up the heat!


Chimney prep

If you aren’t planning to use your chimney, plug it with a chimney balloon to prevent air leaks. You can always deflate and remove the balloon if you decide to use your chimney later.


Inside temperatures

Set your thermostat between 65-70 degrees and at 58 degrees when you are not home (this helps to lower your heating bill by about 5-15%!!) Riptide homes have programmable thermostats so that you don’t have to worry about changing the thermostat each day! It learns your schedule!
